Tag: Thoughts

Living on a Sailboat: 1.5 Crazy Years in Retrospect

We are back in Switzerland for a summer break. It’s an escape from the Mexican heat, but also a bit from life on the boat. Now it’s time to reflect about living on a sailboat full time for 1.5 years.

Finally in the water!!!

The time had finally come. The moment we had been waiting for was finally here: Milagros got water around her freshly restored booty again.

An End In Sight

We see light at the end of the tunnel. Splashing is imminent, if everything works out the way we want it to. Milagros is almost ready for the next big adventure.

A Day to Forget About

The pouring rain hurricane Nora sent to Peñasco washed our dreams of finishing our time on the hard anytime soon down the drain. We have to deal with a cosiderable hit…

Feels like Home here

Finally we’re flying back home, we couldn’t wait. Two weeks of green and cool, friends and family and recharging the batteries. Do we even want to return to Mexico?

A Parcel in Mexico – a Short Story

We send a parcel to the US and mistakenly assume it’s a simple matter. This is a true story about international parcel shipping, helpful mailmen and the Mexican way.

The Daily Grind is Real

We fight against our weaker selves and our beliefs. And we take the next step in one of our most important projects. But we also experience some moments on the sunny side of life.

Faroese people take part in the annual Grindadrap, a pilot whale hunt on the Faroe islands

Grindadráp – A Closer Look

It’s that time of the year again. I take a closer look at the Grindadràp, the annual pilot whale hunt on the Faroe islands.

Decision Fatigue – our Heads are Spinning

We suffer from acute decision fatigue – our heads are spinning. Because the decisions won’t make themselves, simple strategies are needed.